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Get Your Free Brochure of Prairie City Landing

Pricing starting at $5,600 / month

We are glad to learn you're interested in downloading a brochure about Prairie City. The brochure includes much of the same information you'll find on this website, presented in an 8.5" x 11" PDF which can be easily viewed, printed and shared with others. It also includes copies of sample floor plans and pricing information. We hope you find the brochure helpful in learning more about our community.

We would love the opportunity to connect and know you better. At Tenfold, we are different by design in everything we do–including the marketing process. One of our core values is compassion. "We start with a genuine, deep respect for individual autonomy. Empathy, active listening and honest communication are essential to human relationship."

Making the decision to move is difficult, and the options can be overwhelming. We are not here to sell. Our marketing counselors are not paid on commission. We are here to be a resource, no matter what decision you make. We genuinely want to know you better so we can help you with your personal journey.